Home Articles posted by karmatech
Posted 8 months ago / HTML/CSS

Loading Circles

A basic HTML/CSS animation known as a “loading circles” involves creating a loader animation using three circle shapes that rotate 360 degrees in the appropriate direction, then return to 0 degrees, continuing to loop indefinitely. This post will demonstrate how to use CSS to rotate the loader animation. Steps creating HTML/CSS Loading Circles This animation will be made using the following method, which is explained below:
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Posted 8 months ago / HTML/CSS

HTML/CSS Box Rotating Loader

A basic CSS animation known as a “minimal shape rotating loader” involves creating a loader animation using five box shapes that rotate 180 degrees in the appropriate direction, then return to 0 degrees, continuing to loop indefinitely. This post will demonstrate how to use CSS to rotate the loader animation in a square form. Steps creating HTML/CSS Box Rotating Loader The shape rotating loader animation will be made using the following method, which is explained below: Code:
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Posted 1 year ago / PHP

Learn PHP 8 using mysql javascript css3 and html5

PHP 8 is a major update of the PHP language released on November 26, 2020. As announced by the PHP development team, this version update includes several new additional features and optimizations, including named arguments, union types, attributes, constructor property promotion, match expression, nullsafe operator, JIT, improvements in the type system, error handling, and consistency. Description Download File
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Posted 1 year ago / PHP

PHP Basic

Introduction to PHP PHP started out as a small open source project that evolved as more and more people found out how useful it was. Rasmus Lerdorf unleashed the first version of PHP way back in 1994. Common uses of PHP Basic Syntax In order to gain familiarity with PHP, it is advisable to commence with uncomplicated PHP scripts. Given that the “Hello, World!” demonstration is PHP Basic syntax, our initial task will involve creating a simple “Hello, World!” script. As previously stated, PHP is integrated within HTML. Consequently, within your customary HTML (or advanced XHTML) code, you will incorporate […]
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Posted 1 year ago / PHP

Install PHP and Apache on Windows

To install Apache with PHP on Windows follow the following steps. A table with all the information about your new PHP installation will be displayed. Congratulations!! your server is ready.
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Posted 1 year ago / PHP

Installing PHP in IIS

Install IIS To install IIS, use the following steps: To install IIS on Windows Server 2012 To install IIS on Windows 8 1.2. Download and Install PHP Manually The procedures in this section guide you to install PHP Manually: To keep this procedure simple, install the WinCache extension but do not configure it. You will configure and test WinCache in Step 2: Configure PHP Settings. To download and install PHP and WinCache To test your PHP installation 1.3. Add Your PHP Application Once you have IIS and PHP installed, you can add a PHP application to your web server. This […]
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Posted 1 year ago / PHP

Installing PHP in MAC OS

Mac users are presented with the option to opt for either a binary or a source installation. In fact OS X comes with PHP and APACHE preinstalled . However, it is probable that these versions are outdated and may not include many of the commonly used extensions. However, if you want a quick Apache + PHP + MySQL/PostgreSQL setup on your mac os, this is certainly the easiest way to start. All you need to do is edit your Apache configuration file and turn on the Web server. So just follow the following steps − You should see a long […]
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Posted 1 year ago / PHP

Installing PHP on Linux/Unix with Apache

In the event that you intend to install PHP on a Linux operating system or any other Unix variant, it is imperative to take into account the following prerequisites: Below are the steps to install Apache and PHP on your Linux or Unix computer. A table with all the information about your new PHP installation will be displayed. Congratulations!! your server is ready.
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Posted 1 year ago / Blogs

Domain Registration service in Nepal

Choosing a domain registration services in Nepal can be one of the most important steps in establishing your brand or business online. A strong online presence is crucial for businesses and individuals in today’s digital age. In Nepal, the domain registration process may seem daunting initially, but it becomes straightforward with the proper knowledge and guidance. In this blog post, we will demystify domain registration in Nepal and provide you with a comprehensive guide to help you establish your online identity. Choosing Domain Registration Services in Nepal offers several advantages and benefits. Here are some reasons why you should consider […]
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Posted 1 year ago / PHP

PHP Cheat Sheet

In the world of web development, PHP is an immensely popular scripting language. It is widely used for creating dynamic and interactive websites. However, mastering PHP can sometimes be a daunting task, especially for beginners. That’s where a PHP cheat sheet comes in handy. A PHP cheat sheet is a quick reference guide that provides developers with a concise overview of PHP syntax, functions, and commonly used constructs. It serves as a valuable tool for both beginners and experienced developers who want to boost their productivity and save time. Let’s dive into the key elements of a PHP cheat sheet: […]
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